Monday, October 15, 2012


I admit I am a mean girl sometimes but I am not fake. Some people are mean and pretending to be nice but they are not … I’m sorry because i am just being true to myself and what you see is what you get. and I cant understand why you guys don’t like me. all this time Ive been so nice to you guys. That’s okay its true that we cannot please everybody. So continue to be mean to me, talk about me behind my back. i’ll be nice to you as always. Love one another right? Lets spread Love ;)


I finished the book entitled “When God Writes Your Love Story” while I was reading one of the pages, I cannot explain what i felt tears started falling, it was where Leslie asked Eric to described his previous girlfriends what they looked like, that irritates Eric then there was complete silence between the two of them then they just held each other and started crying. Leslie then told Eric ” I forgave you and I love you” just like Jesus love me. I was really touched with that … Acceptance and Forgiveness was given to Eric just like what Jesus did despite of all the things that we have done. When i went home that day after work that was Tuesday ( April 3 2012 ). Before sleeping I prayed to God intimately and submit myself to Him —- the area of my future love life. I handed God the pen and trusted Him to start writing my love story that will surprise me when the right time comes. I was relieved and had that blissful feeling. I know God was just waiting for me to submit that area of my life. 

Submission is hard without an open heart… You should have that willingness, acceptance, believe, trust and open your heart to God that He will never fail you and me. 

Remember that TRUE LOVE WAITS, whats the rush? Submit to Him and let God write your love story. ;)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Peace is a big word and so much hard to attain for our own self. Even in our world today we cannot observe that “world peace” 

Where would peace come from anyway?

I am a type of person who worries about my future like “what will happen tomorrow?, the next week’? what if like this and that?”… even the future of my family, my mom and 2 brothers. I work to help them and give them provision .. i know inside me that its not enough that i should provide them more, i have to save money, i have to look for another job to do that. but what stopped me?—- is the realization that there is GOD in our lives and He don't want me to think that way. Currently He is letting me experience His Love in me by that i attained peace in Him, Myself and as well as with others. 

as you have observe when we have peace in our hearts we don't worry about whats gonna happen next because we submit everything to HIM and trusted HIM that whatever happens He is with us now and forever. God wants us to feel how important is to have Him in our hearts and how important living the life NOW. and let God control our lives because no matter what we will do we cannot change our future God already planned it since the day we are all born.

Lord God, Let your love stay in my heart for me to experience peace within you, myself and the world. DO not let external forces to get inside me by covering that love that i am experiencing now. I dont wanna worry about anything. i wanna focus to ONLY you Lord, by living my life NOW.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Constantly Challenge Yourself

Every single day as I live my life,

I discover my strengths and weaknesses, everyday I am learning a lot of things, I am growing and

i tend to realize that I am becoming more mature to handle this life of mine.

A lot of things I discover each and everyday I keep pressing on- to never stop learning, growing and being

mature in this so called life.

I don't want to stay still or move backwards. Because I want to improve the things that I know to be

able to share it with other people and just be a blessing to their lives.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I cannot sleep at night my eyes are wide awake, but I can see the light 

My mind is running through this race called life, and my soul is bleeding inside

How can I get out from this prison, sleepless nights, restless in the morning

Oh how i hate this Insomnia!

How can i escape from my own racing thoughts? 

How can i escape from this darkness? 

Am I the only one who is awake as of this moment?

Will this last forever? 

I am very scared of tomorrow, of the things that might happen in the future. 

Reality scares the hell out of me. 

This is what it's like to be not sleeping. 

It's a normal cycle of my night life, which i am trying to break out. 

And this is just one of those nights.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Opportunity Knocks Only Once

Right now second chances are not reachable, even the definition for me doesn’t make sense...But slowly I am beginning to understand how unusual second chances are to come by.How lucky a person to have that second chance again and how no one should ever take for grantedA second chance, if ever they it will come again in your life.Sometimes, most of us or actually majority of us are very confident that we won’t mess upOur first chance with anything or anyone, that we would never take someone or something for granted. But then, we mess up lot… I mess up a lot! I hurt people, that mean the world to me, in a senseThat I am very confident that they will not leave me … but in the end, due to uncontrollable lifeScenarios they will eventually, walk out of my life.All things we know we should have done, and regretting to let go of things without thinking about itWisely. When that moment comes when we realized how much something means to us, the time weLose it or it just hits us a bit too late of its importance. But there are things in this world where weReally don’t have control, how I wish I can just press that “REDO “button in my life to start all over,To finally make things right and never let go of the things I once lost.Does everybody deserve that second chance? Basically life doesn’t work that way all the time.Life is too precious to waste. So make the most of that first chance so you don’t end up regretting itBut if you do mess up and you get that second chance, never forget to make it count this time. ..

Happiness: Where are you?

Everyday as I live my life, There is one thing that I really want to put my grip on it.That at the end of the day, I just want that one thing: HAPPINESS. Is that too much to ask? I know that there wasn’t a time in any person’s life where they aren’t complaining about one thing…We wanted to be surrounded by those people who can make us smile and laugh, to have a job that we can look forward to each and everyday.They say that life is easy; we are just the ones making it complicated. Do you agree on that?When we are in pain, we become stagnant. We tend to be depressed and sadness is all over our mind,We think then that Happiness is not reachable.Truth is life isn’t as bad as we make it out to be. Life is a roller coaster ride, it will always have its ups and downs.Then I realized, Happiness shouldn’t be my goal at all, because there will always be happy and sad moments throughout our lives.  For you to be truly happy, enjoy those days where you felt complete and fulfilled in this journey called LIFE.

what are you afraid of?

what are you afraid of? Oftentimes in our lives we tend to have an attitude where we panic on certain scenario, where we decide right away on things that we dont know what will be the result in our lives. To be honest, right now i really do admit that I am afraid of things that might happen in the future things that i dont know and will happen What is the status of your faith right now? GOd did not promise an easy life throughout but what He did promise is a life with Him, when we put our trust, faith, and that we believe in Him. There is nothing to be afraid of. His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone. ;) 

Let your Faith be bigger than your fear.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The excellence of Wisdom

Personally, I really thank God for the gift of wisdom. I don’t know where life would take me if I haven’t gained wisdom from Him. 

It helped me in many crucial days of my life especially regarding my decision making and handling different kinds of people especially how to react on a given situation. 

Having wisdom, I feel transformed inside and out. It helped me avoid things and people that would harm me.

Realizing that living Christian life is a challenge for me in many ways - Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Socially, and Spiritually, as time goes by i am growing and learning with Him. 

Gaining wisdom,happiness,and contentment in my life now that I live my life with You is priceless. 


Those nights where you just can’t sleep? It’s the perfect moment where you just want to close your eyes and just head off to dreamland, but then your mind feels like It’s the opportunity to begin racing with thoughts, memories and ideas, and you Will end up dealing with another sleepless night, and you begin to question the meaning of life, And why the world is the way it is. And it will end up with creative scenarios in your head that may never occur, then remembering your past while missing or regretting it. In this insomniac time, you are awake and trying to figure out things of your life when all you ever want to do is to stop thinking. And what really sucks is the feeling of being alone, realizing that you are still awake as other people are in the middle of their dreams.But to tell you honestly, those nights that we can’t sleep, there is someone else out there too, someone who is also searching for an off switch not to let their minds think of the things  they don’t want to think about, just lying in bed thinking.Those long, sleepless nights…thousand of souls are awake with you.


Believe in Love

It is easy to grow skeptical of Love, to not believe of its existence and just to be doubtful if you will still experience that feeling of being loved and to love someone that seems forever. As time goes by we have been witnesses to people who are in a relationship, people who are so in love, couples who are fighting until hatred consumes their hearts. Then we asked ourselves if there is Love why people who are in love tend to break up? Is that really a necessity in a relationship? Sad but true then they become strangers again.
As you experience that feeling of anguish, and disbelief when your heart is broken, that someone where you give your everything just takes a piece of you that you fear will never be returned.
Those kinds of scenarios that let you feel that you give up in believing in Love, just look around, the world and it’s almost certain that you will still find two people who are deeply in love; you will see an attraction between two people that once you thought only existed in movies, novels and in happily ever after fairy tales.
Then you will realize that you still want that love no matter how difficult the journey maybe. Something in you will realize love truly exists in this imperfect world, and wherever it maybe for you, it’s worth waiting for. That it is worth it to believe in love. 


It was a cold night in November That I remember, that changed my life foreverWith me was my shadow, that is so shallowYou left me, things change rapidlyI hear your voice so soft and my heart is thumping.I want to run, but where?I got no place to go.Then my subconscious sneers at meI literary told myself to just laugh about every painful but real thing in lifeShed tears, but the pain you left me, made me grow and it made me someone that I thought I would never be.I am Awake, Blessed and Alive.  


Have you ever asked yourself if love is worth it?
Honestly speaking, chances are that you will get hurt. That you will fall hard only to find out that they are not willing to catch you.
You will give your trust to someone not worth it.  And more often than not, you’ll find yourself lost and finding more reasons not to trust people throughout.
So is love worth it? Then I would tell without any hesitation that YES IT IS! LOVE IS WORTH IT!
That you being alone and lonely is much worse than allowing yourself to be in a state of vulnerability for that chance to find someone. And no matter how bad a relationship turns out, if they are able to make you believe, for even a second, in the potential of forever and that love does exist in this cruel world.
One day, through fate or coincidence, you find that one person that makes it worth the trouble. You realize that love is worth every tear, broken heart, and scars you have gained a long the way - for it brought you to someone that makes you feel something special.

What if you just left?

Have you ever wondered how much life would change if you got onto a place randomly, without even telling anyone that you just left and drift away.Like those times when you are out somewhere and no way to contact those people and end up thinking if they would even notice or wonder that you are not around, and wondered if things and people will change when you’re gone.You must also realize that life can still move forward without you. 
That the world truly doesn't revolve around us, though our presence will be missed, time cannot be stopped when we are gone. The worst part is it even quickens its speed to change the reality that we once knew.It doesn't make us any less important to people who loves us, but it make us humble. It teaches us to not take people for granted.

I want to read your mind

Have you ever wish to read someone’s mind? Or to see straight to their eyes and see something unexpected. Something that none of us wants to show, to hide that inner self of yours.
None of us wants others to know that we are weak inside that people would feel sorry for us, that we are responsible to fix what is broken in our lives, we don’t even want to admit to ourselves how defeated we feel in what seems like an endless war against life and love.That to be honest we seem to be the one losing tragically. So keep it all in. we choose to keep it within ourselves we wear our personality masks of smiles and laughter every time we feel misunderstood. We even try to be strong act as if nothing is wrong when we are in front of the others.

Your inner self will win and will build up inside you, causing you to suffer. 

But my question is why we are hiding it? If chances are we all feel this way?