Friday, October 5, 2012


Those nights where you just can’t sleep? It’s the perfect moment where you just want to close your eyes and just head off to dreamland, but then your mind feels like It’s the opportunity to begin racing with thoughts, memories and ideas, and you Will end up dealing with another sleepless night, and you begin to question the meaning of life, And why the world is the way it is. And it will end up with creative scenarios in your head that may never occur, then remembering your past while missing or regretting it. In this insomniac time, you are awake and trying to figure out things of your life when all you ever want to do is to stop thinking. And what really sucks is the feeling of being alone, realizing that you are still awake as other people are in the middle of their dreams.But to tell you honestly, those nights that we can’t sleep, there is someone else out there too, someone who is also searching for an off switch not to let their minds think of the things  they don’t want to think about, just lying in bed thinking.Those long, sleepless nights…thousand of souls are awake with you.


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